Spinal Sound

Spinal Sound

Healing Tuning Forks
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This set comprises of 23 tuning forks tuned to the vibratory frequencies of all the Spinal Column vertebrae and the other main bones of the body including the Cranium Pelvis, Jaw and Long bones of the limbs. These tuning forks are used to treat the very densest bone matter of the body with sound therapy and contact vibration to restore balance to the structural aspects of spinal lesions and dysfunction.

The following Tuning Forks are contained within this set:

  1. Thoracic 1+ Temporal
  2. T2 + Front Pareitals
  3. Thoracic 3 + Fingers
  4. Thoracic 4 + Sternum
  5. Thoracic 5 + Pelvis / Sacrum
  6. Thoracic 6 + Cervical 1
  7. Thoracic 7 + Cervical 2
  8. Thoracic 8 + Cervical 3
  9. Thoracic 9 + Cervical 4
  10. Thoracic 10 + Cervical 5
  11. Thoracic11 + Cervical6
  12. Thoracic 12 + Cervical 7
  13. Lumbar 1+ Legs
  14. Lumbar 2+ Arms
  15. Lumbar 3 + Toes
  16. Lumbar 4 + Sternum
  17. Lumbar 5 + Ribs
  18. Sacrum 1 + Rear Pareitals
  19. Sacrum 2 + Mastoids
  20. Sacrum 3 +Maxilla
  21. Sacrum 4 + Mandible
  22. Sacrum 5 + Occiput
  23. Coccyx + Sphenoid